On Mastery of the Self and D/s

As a slave asked me to explain what self-discipline was, I decided to explain how I became self-disciplined and how I continually grow on my path to mastery of the self. I do hope that you enjoy the read, and that perhaps it is helpful to those who are learning their own level of submission or Dominance.

On either side of the slash, we must maintain our sense of self, make sure that we are adequately fed in our service and receipt of that service, and that we continually and actively seek ways to learn more about our souls. slaves should always have the goal of complete and total surrender to the one who they serve, otherwise it is not being slave. Dominants should always seek to understand themselves and their needs in order to better communicate those needs to the ones who serve them.

When both are satiated, it creates a beautiful dynamic of power exchange and what I call love.

Self-discipline is learned through years of practice and generally keeping the voice in the back of the mind very loud. I have to calm myself on a regular basis. It is a technique that plenty of Dominants use to keep themselves in check in order to better maintain their property (both themselves and their slaves). When I start to sense myself acting out of anger, or becoming angry over little, nonsensical things, that is when I try my best to center myself. It is then that I keep my mind on my goals, where I would like to take this individual, and how I can get them there without breaking them in a way that I will not be able to build them afterward. 
It is very much the same for a slave; the slave must center itself and understand who this individual is that they are serving, and the importance their role is to their Dominant. The slave must question themselves, “Are my choices to his/her liking? Am I acting in a manner that will better serve his/her wishes?” The next line of questioning should be, “Why am I acting in a shameful manner? What is causing me to act in this way?” When the slave finds the answers to those questions, they must communicate this with their Dominant. It is imperative. This is how a slave becomes self-disciplined. Through growth, understanding, and keeping tabs on their actions, behaviors, and service.
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