30 Days of Kink: Favorite Book

Day 21: Favorite BDSM-related book (fiction or non-fiction).

It's really hard to say what my favorite BDSM-related novel is. Everyone probably already knows my least favorite, since any time that it's brought up in conversation I make a face of disgust. But my favorite, that's harder to say. Most books that have anything to do with BDSM just turn me off because I always feel that they're not realistic, that they're more of fantasy than actuality. However, one series that I really love that is somewhat BDSM-related is actually a manga series entitled Doll.

The series takes place in present day and is about a society that has scientifically engineered human beings, or dolls. They are used for all sorts of things: sex, housecleaning, domination, companionship, and the impossible love. Dolls do not have any feelings. They can be engineered to, which is one person's purpose in the series as he attempts to make his doll actually feel, taste, understand, and grow. The reason why I like it isn't so much because it's a picture book but because it has a science fiction feel to it, and I just really love the story line. If they were to come out with a series that was purely a novel similar to Doll, I would love it.

There are actually a lot of short stories to follow in Doll, because every book has about three or so different families or relationships that they focus on, but the underlying plot is still in each. I found that to be kind of cool, because you got to look at how people use their dolls (some people used them to make amputees, others were into pony play, one woman had her male doll be her slave, and many more). Some of them were actually heartbreaking, and one story in particular where a mother is made to replace the child's actual mother was really sad because the doll mother was a better mother than the human one.

I read the series when I was fairly young, so it's surprising that I had such a pull to it and found some of the short stories to be really damn hot. Maybe one day I'll find a good science fiction novel that is BDSM-related or has some BDSM elements that I really love—I truly hope that I do.

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